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Math Study Skills – 5 Ways That Do Not Work

Because good study skills are needed in order to understand math. The reason good math study skills are required is because math builds upon the lesson before. If you don’t understand the current lesson, you probably wont be able to understand the next lesson.

A. All of our tutors are very experienced educators. As of the summer of 2011, our biology tutors have an average of 9 years experience teaching biology. Their degrees range from a BS in Biology to an MD.

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As a first step to learning math, repeat the previous sentence to yourself a couple of times, emphasizing the ‘math is simple part’. The reason why a lot of students struggle with the subject is that they have made it out to be an insurmountable mountain, which it certainly is not. Also, start with easy problems and questions when you practice. It’s a sure shot way to build confidence in your own abilities. Once you change your attitude about math, you’ll be solving can you write my essay answers with much more interest.

Just because you show up to class is not a reason the teacher should pass you. And because you passed in every worksheet is not a reason you should pass. In order to pass the math class you are required to prove that you yourself know the material.

A group of my students whose ages ranged from 11-15 completed a semester of Life Long Developmental Psychology. This is a Sophomore college course, and my children finished the book in one week using speed reading. They took the CLEP exam, an advanced placement test, and 15 out of the 18 students pass the CLEP for college credit.

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But another person used the stairs to reach the same floor. This person found it very easy and reach there with little effort. Compare this person to a student who knows all the basic concepts learned in elementary grades. To learn grade six or grade seven math for this student will be easy. But there is another student in grade six and doesn’t know the lower grade math concepts such as, times tables, factors or number system. This student is in the same situation as the person, who is jumping to reach third floor from the ground level.

Find out from your child what specific skills are causing the trouble. I suspect than at age 5, 6, or 7 there really aren’t any specific issues. But, if your child does respond with something specific, then say “Oh, I think we can fix that very easily if we work together. It is really important that you are good at math. When you are good at math, you will enjoy it and you won’t have the experiences I did.” Then, right away, work with your child for just a short time and with lots of patience, positive attitude, love, and an attitude that conveys your confidence in your child. Never get angry with your child about learning. Then, continue to work on your own self-positive talk about math.

If you went for the school’s inverted microscope, you would probably end up getting stuck and wasting your time on those lines at the science department for requests to use the school microscopes. Instead of using that time to finish all of them in time, you spend your time, an hour at a time at the science labs, finishing only but a few of your many schoolwork. Which do you prefer? Finish them all just before your school break starts, leaving you more time to pack and relax? Or leave things half done or unstarted? You decide.